Plastic Surgery Saint Louis, MO

Hart Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery Institute


621 S New Ballas Road
Suite 676A
St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: (314) 251-6250
Fax: (314) 251-6822


Breast Augmentation

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complimentary consultation!

Are You a Candidate for a Breast Augmentation?

     The best candidates are women who are emotionally well-adjusted and who have a thorough understanding of the procedure. They are in good health, have a history of physical activity, and eat a healthy diet. Breast surgery is a good choice to enhance your figure, but not to completely change it.

     Women seek breast surgery for a number of reasons:
Breast cancer patients often seek breast reconstruction surgery because a breast is partially or totally removed as part of the cancer treatment. 
Breast augmentation surgery can enhance size and shape, correct imbalances,
 improve firmness, and restore the body contour for these patients.


Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is often performed in an office surgical suite or an outpatient surgical center, using local anesthesia
To begin the procedure, an incision is made in one of four primary locations:

•  Under the breast (inframammary incision)

•  Around the nipple (periareolar incision)

•  In the arm pit (transaxillary incision), or

•  In the navel area (transumbilical or TUBA incision).

After the incision, a special surgical tool will be used to form a pocket so that the implant can be inserted. There are three primary positions where the implants can be placed:

•  Subglandular or above the pectoral muscles

•  Partial submuscular or partially behind the muscles

•  Complete submuscular or completely behind the muscles

The choice of incision and implant placement depend on the size and shape of the implant, your body frame, amount of breast tissue and the planned scar location.  Patients can choose the type of breast implants. Implant factors include the implant size, shape, and material, in addition to whether or not the implant volume can be adjusted after surgery, all of which should be discussed beforehand with  Dr. Hart.


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