Plastic Surgery Saint Louis, MO

Hart Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery Institute


621 S New Ballas Road
Suite 676A
St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: (314) 251-6250
Fax: (314) 251-6822



Allergy Skin Test 
30 days prior

15-20 minute procedure
2 Treatment Sessions - 6 weeks apart

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Are You a Candidate for ArteFill?

     Men and women of any age may receive ArteFill treatment. Ideal candidates have already tried temporary injections, are injection and credit card fatigued, and are sure they want a permanent result. ArteFill is not given to people with allergies to bovine collagen or with chronic skin infections, and it is not recommended for areas of thinner skin (such as crow's feet around the eyes).



      ArteFill, produced by Artes Medical, is an improved version of Artecoll, which has been used in Europe and Canada on more than 400,000 patients during the past 10 years. ArteFill was FDA approved in October 2006 for the treatment of nasolabial folds (smile lines) and has also been used off-label for lip augmentation, acne scars, and other wrinkles.

      ArteFill is a gel filler consisting of millions of synthetic microspheres (polymethylmethacrylate or PMMA) suspended in purified bovine (cow) collagen. ArteFill also contains the local anesthetic lidocaine to reduce discomfort during injection.

How ArteFill Works

      ArteFill is injected directly beneath the wrinkle to add a permanent support structure and smoothen the area. The synthetic PMMA microspheres in ArteFill are "non-resorbable," which means they are not absorbed into the body or metabolized, allowing ArteFill to last significantly longer than other Injectable fillers. The microspheres stimulate the body to generate its own natural collagen to encapsulate each individual microsphere, resulting in 80% of the patient's collagen and 20% microspheres (by volume) to permanently fill in the wrinkle.

      As the injected bovine collagen is slowly absorbed during a few weeks, the newly generated collagen replaces it. This slow breakdown and natural replenishment process provides ArteFill with its unique and enduring results.

      Recently Artes Medical submitted five-year safety and efficacy data from its U.S. clinical trial patients to the FDA in order to expand the product's labeling. The data show a statistically significant improvement of wrinkle correction between six months and five years after the initial injection, which is attributed to the ongoing collagen remodeling process around the PMMA microspheres.

Side Effects with ArteFill

      Side effects from ArteFill are rare but may include redness, swelling, lumpiness, pain, or sensitivity at the injection site. Some patients may feel a slight firmness after injection, which usually resolves over time.

Cost of ArteFill

      ArteFill treatment typically costs $1,500 per cc. Syringes contain either 0.4cc or 0.8cc, depending on the area treated. You may want to ask Dr. Hart about payment plan options.




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